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REVIEW: Get off live comedy (Stand-up Comedy, Kiri Pritchard McLean, Glasgow)

Updated: Mar 7

The Stand, Glasgow

12 February 2023


Get Off Live Comedy Kiri Pritchard McLean

It's only February and I've just seen the best night of stand-up comedy I'll probably see this year. Certainly the value can't be beaten at £11 a ticket for 5 brilliant comedians.

Get Off Live Comedy has been set-up to tackle bullying and sexual harassment in the UK live comedy industry. Sad that it's needed right?! But it aims to ensure minorities, women, lgbt+ or anyone who needs it really, isn't bullied or harassed out of playing the comedy circuit.

They've helped 150 cases already in the past few years.

150! That's a lot of creeps.

Harriet Dyer was our brilliant compere (and door lady!) I've found the only comedian in the UK who could give Billy Kirkwood a run for his money in the erratic, hyper, mad-as-box-of-frogs category. She was so random and I loved her! She handled the Sunday Glasgow crowd perfectly.

The Stand Comedy Club Glasgow

Next Mark Nelson. I've seen Mark a number of times and he never fails to make me uncomfortable. In a good way! Mark knows how to make his audiences squirm all whilst maintaining that eye contact. He's a bloomin funny man and a lovely one at that.

Jin Hao Li was new to me and wonderfully weird with a sort of dry, downtrodden, self-deprecating humour. I don't know how he kept a straight face!

I said after seeing Kiri Pritchard McLean's show in Edinburgh last year that she must be the kindest person in comedy. I stand by that! She drove up to Glasgow and performed a wickedly funny set for us late on a Sunday night. She is a true diamond, gorgeous and hilarious. (How unfair is that!?)

Get Off Live Comedy Glasgow 2023 Kiri Pritchard McLean, Susie McCabe, Mark Nelson, Harriet Dyer
Photo Credit: Get Off Live Comedy

Lastly, closing the show, Susie McCabe tried out material from her new show Femme Fatality. I saw Susie 4 times last year and here again she proves she's a professional at the top of her game. Not once did she falter.

Susie must've rehearsed this new material but she's just a naturally funny storyteller. No spoilers, but if you've bought tickets for Susie's sold-out shows at The Glasgow King's Theatre in March as part of the Glasgow Comedy festival, you're in for a good time!

A wonderful night for a brilliant cause. We all donated an extra £10 each after the show and it's still the bargain of the century.


[Review first posted on Instagram 16 February 2023]

🎤 REVIEW: Get off live comedy, The Stand Comedy Club, Glasgow 2023. Stand-up Comedy, Kiri Pritchard McLean, Susie McCabe, Mark Nelson🎤

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Lisa in the Theatre, UK Comedy and Theatre blog, reviews, reviewer. Glasgow, Scotland.


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